
Community Focus Group International

About Us

Community Focus Group (CFG) was founded June 21st, 2000.

Vision: "We envision a world where every Community member, irrespective of age or background, thrives in an environment that celbrates diverdity, embraces crestivity, upholds human dignity, and nurtures intergenerational connections. Through collaborative efforts and Community engagement, we aspire to create lasting positive change in our thematic focus areas, fostering a society that is equitable, resillient, and enriched with cutural heritage."

Goals and Objectives:

1. Climate Action:

  - Goal: Forster environmental  stewardship and resilience.

- Objectives: Raise awareness and promote education on climate change. Engage communities in sustainable practies and conservation efforts. Advocate for policies supporting renewble energy and environmental protection.

2. Woman and Youth:

- Goal: Empower woman and youth for active particpation and leadership.

- Objectives: Provide educational and leadership development programs. Create platforms for advocacy and representation.  Support initiatives promoting gender equality and youth empowerment.

3. Disaster Response:

- Goal: Strengthen disaster preparedness and response. 

- Objectives: Conduct training and drills for community-based disaster responce teams. Establish communication networks and resource centers for emergencies. Provide immediate relief and long-term support post-disaster.

4. Human Rights:

- Goal: Uphold and promote human rights for all individuals.

- Opjectives: Educate communities on human rights principles and protections. Provide legal aid and advocacy for marginalized groups. Collaborate eith stakeholders to ensure human rights are respected and defended.

5. Democratic Governance and Leadership:

Goal: Cultivate accountable governance and leadership.

- Objectives: Promote civic and participatory decision-making. Advocate for transparent and accountable leadership structures. Offer leadership development programs for cumminty leaders.

6. Arts & Culture:

- Goal: Celebrate diversity and preserve cultural heritage.

- Objective: Promote artistic expression and cultural exchange. Support local artists and cultural appreciation and understanding.

7. Aged and Ageing:

Goal: Ensure dignity and well-being for older community members.

- Objective: Provide support services and resources for the elderly. Create intergenerational programs to bridge gaps and share knowledge. Advocate for policies promoting elder rights and healthy ageing.


Community Focus Group (CFG) ​has wide experience working in Kenyan Communities. The 2007/2008 Post-Election Violence in Kenya were 350,000 were Displaced, exposed the Vulnerability of Youth especially Young Boys and Men to Political Incitement and over 200,000 Girls and Women, in many ways made Vulnerable to GBV as their Rights were Violated. In response to the situation in our Country,

Community Focus Group (CFG) with Funding by UNDP from 2010-2014, Community Focus Group (CFG)​ organized County level Performing Arts Festivals using Storytelling and Capacity Building Workshops for Youth who were the major Perpetrators of the Violence. During this Project, Community Focus Group (CFG) ​also organized Public Forums, Counseling, and Legal Aid Clinics for those who had suffered Violations.

This Project was located in Five Counties:

Nairobi County:  Dandora, Huruma, Mukuru, and Kayole

Nakuru County: Kaptembwa, Free Area, White House, Kihingo, and London

Naivasha Town of Kamere and Town Center

Kisumu County: Kondele and Tom Mboya

Uasin Gishu County: Eldoret Town, Kisumu Ndogo, and Kapsatwek.

2018 Projects

2019 Projects

2020 Projects

Community Focus Group (CFG) worked with 250 Youth, Women, and Theatre groups in all these areas and managed to achieve our Objectives: Educate, Reconcile, Communicate, and Preach Peace. 

We now are expanding as Community Focus Group (CFG) International.

CFG Wall OF Honor

Our Video on Working in the Community

Good Deeds Day - April 17th, 2019

Malindi Building Collapse-2018

Succese Stores


Community Focus Group (CFG) carries out Capacity building and Empowerment Workshops. Last year alone we organized training Workshops for 250 Theatre groups from Five Counties in Kenya (Eldoret, Kisumu, Nakuru, Naivasha, and Nairobi) underscoring the following pertinent issues:

  • Human Rights
  • Theatre of Development
  • Resource Mobilization
  • Peace Building
  • Economic Empowerment

Project Summary

Countless Families face immense challenges, struggling to afford essentials and mostly putting food on the table, as 2024 holds uncertainry for many households grappling with rising costs living in Kenya. Women particularly bare the burden of this strain, rising expenses in: Food, Healthcare, and Housing, intensify financial stress making necessities like Food unattainable. Community Focus Group held Workshops/Training on the 11th-12th April 2024 to empower particpants to navigate this financial pressures to alleviate the impact and ensure better coping mechanisms for affected households. This sessions centered on: Financial Literacy, imparting crucial crucial budgeting skills and fostering adept resource management.



Community Focus Group (CFG) has implemented Projects in Partnership with:

UNDPHIVOS-NetherlandsGSK-Positive ActionAlliance FrançoisViiV Healthcare, BonVoyage, Bonsante Consulting, Christ Harvesters International, Australian Storytelling Guild, and Tongues Wagging Canada, among other Development Partners.

HIFA welcomes Community Focus Group (Kenya) as a new supporting Organization.

Awarded Letters for successful completion of Projects and other Letters of support by Past and Recent Funders.

Forum For Woman in Development, Democracy & Justice


Ministry of Interior